Occupational Therapy
Get Started
Fine Motor

Gross Motor

Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation
Sensory processing is the ability to take in information from your senses and organize it in a way that makes sense to your brain so that the individual can function in their daily lives. However, sometimes your brain has difficulty processing the information resulting in children and adults having sensory processing difficulties. Often, when a child has sensory concerns, they are not able to verbalize what their body needs or do not know why they are having a certain reaction to a stimuli. For example, a child who is defensive to tactile (touch) input may scream, cry, or even become aggressive when brushing their teeth or hair. This may be due to an over-responsivity to this tactile input. Occupational therapist are specifically trained to help you and your child manage and address sensory processing difficulties and educate you in order to promote carryover to the home and community environments.
Importance of Receiving an Occupational Therapy Evaluation
Every child is unique with diverse strengths and deficits. After your child receives an pediatric occupational therapy evaluation in our Rhode Island location, you will receive an individualized home program for you child with activities for them to complete in the home and community setting to further promote independence when outside their therapy services. After all at Prestige Therapy in RI, children’s occupational therapy is a team approach which includes the family unit.