Prestige Speech | Corvid2019 Update
Prestige Speech Therapy | Pediatric Speech TherapyWe are following all CDC guidelines to keep our clients and clinicians as safe and healthy as possible. This includes a closed waiting room, minimum of one parent allowed in treatment rooms, temperature check of anyone entering the premises, virtual meetings for parent trainings/meetings to allow for social distancing, use of face masks/face shields by all staff, frequent sanitizing/disinfecting of used toys and frequently touched areas.


Prestige Therapy provides Speech and Occupational Therapy services to children ages 2 and up across several locations throughout the state of Rhode Island including East Providence, Warwick, Barrington, and Lincoln.

Prestige Therapy is owned and operated by a Board Certified Speech-Language Pathologist, Courtney Langello, who knows first hand the trials, tribulations, and joys of raising children with exceptional needs. With this unique experience of having both the professional and special needs family-life knowledge, she has created a therapy clinic environment that prides itself in both convenience and compassion for our clients and their families

Furthermore, Prestige Therapy has an Exceptional Team of personable and knowledgeable Board Certified Clinicians at each and every location.

Please take a look at what Prestige Therapy has to offer throughout this website and reach out to us with any questions you may have along the way.

You can take comfort in knowing we “Get it”. We truly are #yourtribeinri.

About Us

We provide speech-language and occupational therapy evaluations and treatment to children ages 2 and up.

Speech & Language


Our Partners

Looking for adult based speech-language therapy services including voice, cognitive, accent modification, and swallowing disorders?

Please contact speech-language pathologist, Allison Picard, to help get you started!